There is also a risk that Venice will try to take Lombardy from you - fights in this area shouldn't be a problem for you.Ĥ. Send there your army from Spain at the beginning of the game - maybe it won't result in peace but you will stop your opponent for a while. It is possible that Naples will be attacked by the Italians from the north Apennines. This conflict can end in two ways: you will take this territory or Louisiana will be incorporated to France (this is your ally so the conflict will automatically end).ģ.
After signing a peace treaty with Cherokees you can try to fight against France in Lower Louisiana. It is very possible that Louisiana will attack you. Immediately try to invent Plug Bayonet.Ģ. If you want to sign a peace treaty with Cherokees you can try to invade Georgia and then ask for peace. Reinforce Florida with 4 to 6 regiments of line infantry.
First of all you should carry to defend your lands.